EP. 47 | Building Connection and Selling to Different Personalities with Tom Blattau
Jul 02, 2024
Tim Braheem Interviews Tom Blattau
Tom Blattau brings a wealth of knowledge to the real estate and mortgage industry. With over 15 years of experience in mortgages, 10 years in real estate, and 15 years in inventing in real estate ventures. Insights of every side of the transaction has helped shape him into an expert in the industry. His latest venture is a Regional Vice President with Leader 1 financial.
You Will Learn:
- What you need to do to deepen your connection with Realtors right now.
- The three entities you should be angling your sales to in this market.
- The common denominators of successful originators in today's market.
- A method to assess a realtor's ability to refer you business.
- How to use DISC Personality traits to refine your sales presentation.
You don't want to miss this interview!