Ep. 48 | Tactical Strategies to Optimize Your Workflow with Sam Rosenblatt
Jul 16, 2024
Tim Braheem Interviews Sam Rosenblatt
With over 28 years in the Mortgage Business, Sam Rosenblatt brings a wealth of practical experience and knowledge to this conversation with Tim. Sam is a master of implementing systems and processes to expedite his workflow. He has been recognized by Scotsman Guide as one of the Top 200 Originators in America having closed over 6,000 units at over $2 Billion in production
You Will Learn:
- Why high level goal setting and emulating successful originators is your key to achieving greatness.
- How to leverage simple hires to increase your availability and productivity.
- How servicing a specific market segment can make you a community go to.
- The importance of having a well maintained and monitored CRM.
- What you should be doing right now to increase your loan volume in today's market.
You don't want to miss this interview!