Become the Best: How to Lead Clients Way in Today's Mortgage Market

financing holly walter mortgage mortgage financing mortgage financing strategy real estate real estate market strategy tim braheem Jun 22, 2023
Becoming the best loan originator

In today's rapidly changing real estate market, presenting mortgage financing options can be challenging. With fluctuating values and interest rates, potential buyers often feel uncertain about their affordability. However, there are effective ways to address these concerns and make mortgage financing more appealing.


Presenting the Past: April 2022

To set the stage, Holly starts her presentation by comparing current market conditions to those in April 2022. During that time, values peaked, and interest rates were relatively low. Holly illustrates this using column one of her presentation, where she uses a purchase price of one million dollars and an interest rate of four and a half percent. She acknowledges that many people are hesitant due to affordability concerns, believing that rates are currently too high.


Addressing the Present: Today's Market

In column two of her presentation, Holly highlights the adjustments made for the current market conditions. She reduces the purchase price to nine hundred fifty thousand dollars, reflecting the slight decline in property values. Additionally, she increases the interest rate to seven percent. This naturally leads to a higher monthly payment compared to April 2022. By presenting this information transparently, Holly addresses the concerns of potential buyers and acknowledges the changes in the market.


Introducing a Negotiated Two-One Buy Down

To alleviate the perceived burden of higher rates, Holly introduces a negotiated two-one buy-down with the seller in column three of her presentation. This approach involves setting the purchase price at nine hundred fifty thousand dollars and the interest rates for the first two years at five percent and six percent, respectively. From years 28 through 30, the interest rate returns to seven percent. By offering this alternative, Holly demonstrates that mortgage financing options can be tailored to accommodate buyers' needs and potentially reduce the initial impact of higher rates.


Looking Toward the Future: Column Four

Holly's strategy incorporates a key question in column four of her presentation: where do buyers think rates are going? Here, she projects lower interest rates two years ahead, estimating a rate of five and a half percent. She suggests refinancing into this lower rate, assuring buyers that it can be done at little to no cost or with the help of a lender-subsidized buy down. Holly also factors in an estimated five percent appreciation in the purchase price over the next two years, anticipating a favorable market environment. By providing this long-term perspective, Holly instills confidence in prospective buyers, highlighting the potential benefits of mortgage financing.


The Full Picture: A Compelling Sell

Holly's approach of showcasing the past, present, and future enables buyers to grasp the full picture of mortgage financing in today's market. By including all relevant details, she presents a more compelling and transparent overview. The strategy not only addresses affordability concerns but also emphasizes the potential advantages of seizing current opportunities, considering future market dynamics, and the potential for increased competition and higher prices.


Presenting mortgage financing options in today's market requires a thoughtful approach. Holly Walter's strategy of highlighting the past, present, and future provides potential buyers with a comprehensive understanding of their options. By addressing affordability concerns and illustrating potential benefits, Holly's approach helps buyers make informed decisions. As the real estate market evolves, strategies like these can empower buyers and ensure a successful mortgage financing experience.



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