Can Joy BOOST Your Energy? Learn How It Changes Work and Life!
Jun 08, 2023
In your career as a loan professional or in your personal life, I've got a question for you today: How do you manage your energy?
Before You Answer…
You first need to understand that energy attracts like energy. If you're in a negative space and you have a negative narrative playing in your head, complaining about the things happening around you, it will only result in you vibrating at a very low frequency.
Only You
Managing your energy is something only you can do. Only you can pay attention to your thought patterns. More importantly, only you can put mechanisms into place to ensure you operate from a place of abundance, joy, and high vibration.
Only you can decide who you'd rather be as a person… and what type of energy is better for your business.
Ask Yourself This
If you're radiating an "all is lost" energy or embracing a victim's mentality. Would this draw people to you, or would it push them away? On the flip side, if you exude positivity and abundance, all with a beaming smile, wouldn't that be more likely to attract others?
So… What are you doing to manage your energy?
My suggestion is to identify the activities that bring you joy and commit to engaging in them consistently; know this isn't always easy, especially when it feels like you're surrounded by negativity. But understand it's during tough times when that commitment is most needed.
A Few Activities
Meditating on cultivating abundance and using it to turn an obstacle into an opportunity is something I advocate and practice.
Motivational materials are not only a positive influence, but they are also abundant and easily found.
Writing down three things you're grateful for every morning is the perfect way to start your day in gratitude.
Celebrate your wins. While they may be less frequent right now, acknowledging them is more important than ever.
The Final Step
Now that you understand where I'm coming from and the types of activities that help you control your energy, the final step is carving out 15 to 30 minutes of your morning routine and filling it with an activity that brings you joy.
All that's left is to start your day vibrating high, ready to attract like-minded people into your world.
Watch Tim Explain this Business and Life Tip: Can Joy BOOST Your Energy? Learn How It Changes Work and Life!
Remember that while numbers are quantitative, a good loan officer can also make them relative.