Coaches Corner Blog


Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Advocates? business strategy referral partner system Nov 19, 2018

Today's Business & Life Tip, I want to talk to you about Advocates, and by advocates I mean, those people that are in your sphere of influence, your past customer database if you will, that are truly advocates of you. And, do you know who they even are?

I remember back in the day, I started...

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Easy Ways You Can Turn First Realtor Meeting Into Success business strategy referral partner system Nov 12, 2018


Today's Business and Life tip is on relationship to Development Referral Partner Relationships with Real Estate Agents, Accountants, Financial Planners, Insurance Agents and the like...

Recently, was talking to one of our wonderful client by the name of Greg Kingsbury, who did a...

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Importance of Team Loyalty for a Successful Loan Business business strategy leadership leadership 360 Nov 05, 2018

Today's Business & Life Tip, I’m going to start by asking you a question, “Would you rather be feared or loved?” You know it’s an important question, and the answer I think it's pretty obvious, most of us would rather be loved...

And yet at the same time, the...

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Social Media Marketing business strategy marketing strategy Oct 22, 2018

Today's Business & Life Tip, I want to talk to you about Social Media. And the power of it, and yet how I think, it is greatly misused by a lot of mortgage professionals.

Let me just first established something that I think is, a very important rule to marketing. The only thing really...

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Improving Your Sales Conversions business strategy Oct 15, 2018

Today's Business & Life Tip, We're going to talk selling today, and in particular "Scripting". This is the major art form of what we do for a living and your conversion ratio, your batting average if you will, is critically important to your success.

The top loan originators in the...

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Beliefs Impacting Your Business business strategy leadership leadership 360 personal development Oct 08, 2018



Today's Business & Life tip

Today's Business & Life Tip. We're in the heart of mindset and belief systems. You know our beliefs that we carry inside of us drive our behaviors, – what we think influences how we act.

I don't think that comes as a surprise to...

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