Coaches Corner Blog


Thrive With Realtors By Cultivating True Partnerships business strategy marketing strategy referral partner system Apr 11, 2019

Now is one of the best time to connect with Real Estate Agents to cement current relationships and to find new quality partners that can significantly grow your business.  If you want to enjoy a long term annuity income, you can strike while the iron is hot, and that time is now!  Let...

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7 Essential Strategies To Maximize This Refi Boom business strategy marketing strategy Apr 04, 2019

With interest rates falling and many analysts predicting that they will stay low, the opportunity to refinance mortgages has rarely been better. Savvy homeowners know this, and are rushing to do exactly that. Perhaps you’ve even seen business increase all on its own thanks to the nationwide...

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Smartly Connecting with Clients Easily business strategy marketing strategy Mar 13, 2019

I want to tell you a story, about a client that is not part of the Leadership 360 program but he is coached privately by Julie Weix — who’s my partner in Leadership 360. His name is Jeremy Radcliffe and he disclosed something in the recent Masterminding session that was really...

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Connect with Referral Partners Like A Top Producer (Even If You Aren't One) business strategy leadership marketing strategy referral partner system Jan 29, 2019

Today's Business & Life Tip, many of you are starting to ponder what your business plan will look like in the calendar year of 2019.  I am reminded by the most recent Leadership360 Group 7 retreat in Costa Rica, one of the things that we were talking about in great depth at that retreat...

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The Biggest Mistake I See Loan Officers Make (And How to Fix It) business strategy marketing strategy referral partner system Jan 21, 2019

Today's Business & Life Tip, I have often said for years and years that, “The Loan Officer with most friends wins.” This is a conclusion that I came to in my early career.  It was by accident, as most things are wasn’t really designed. I just kind of figured it out...

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The Secret to Great Mortgage Team Leadership business strategy leadership leadership 360 Jan 14, 2019

Today's Business & Life Tip, is about the subject matter of Leadership. I want to first start by asking you a question, “If we did a 360-degree interview with your team and asked you about your leadership skills and how you felt about your team. And, then I interview your team and ask...

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Helping Your Borrowers In A Tight Inventory Market business strategy marketing strategy Dec 17, 2018

Today's Business & Life Tip, is about the subject matter of, "Your borrowers having a difficult time finding a property in today’s very tight inventory real estate market." What ends up happening after a few months is frustration starts to creep in and understandably so, maybe...

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The Critical Role The Law of Reciprocity Plays in Attracting Realtors business strategy leadership marketing strategy Dec 12, 2018

Today's Business & Life Tip, this video may sound familiar to another one that you’ve listened to, but trust me this one is a little bit different to the subject matter of pursuing real estate agents and bringing value to them. I want to go a little deeper and a little bit more...

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The Easiest Marketing Strategy to Implement business strategy marketing strategy referral partner system Dec 03, 2018

Today's Business & Life Tip, is probably the simplest one that I’ll ever give you to implement and yet has such an impact on your overall business growth if you implement it consistently. I call it, "Two-a-Day, Ten-a-Week, 520-a-Year".

Now, I’ve always said that the loan officer...

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Capitalizing on Every Loan to Create Referrals business strategy referral partner system Nov 26, 2018

Today's Business & Life Tip, is part two of the subject matter of marketing to your clients while you’re working with them and the importance and critical nature of seizing that opportunity when you have a captive audience for 45 to 60 days.

I think one of the things that I want to...

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